Below are examples of June Harwood's paintings, ranging from the 1960s to the years prior to her death. Titles are those written in Harwood's hand on the back of the paintings.
Most of these are among the one-hundred fifty works by June Harwood held by the Trust, in addition to a number of works given to Jules Langsner and June Harwood by their artist friends. Ten works have been donated to Pomona College for the benefit of the Benton Museum of Art at Pomona College, and four to the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art for the benefit of Utah State University.
Sliver Series

Untitled, c1960

Untitled, 1960/61, Collection of Pomona College, Gift of June Harwood Charitable Trust

Untitled, 1964, Collection of Utah State University, Gift of June Harwood Charitable Trust
Colorform Series

Phthalo-Red, 1966

Bullseye, 1964
Loop Series

Untitled, 1965 [three separate paintings, all same title]

Untitled, March, 1966

Red-Black, 1965
Network Series

Untitled, December, 1967

Untitled, c 1969
Jigsaw Series

Untitled, April, 1975, Collection of Pomona College, Gift of June Harwood Charitable Trust
Untitled, January, 1975, Collection of
Utah State University, Gift of June Harwood Charitable Trust
Reflection Series

Untitled, 1977
Untitled, 1977
Rock Series

Adam and the Ants, October, 1981
Pink Floyd, 1982, Collection of Pomona
College, Gift of June Harwood Charitable Trust

Chicago, October, 1982
Earth, Wind and Fire, 1979
Migration Series

Nightseed, 1990
Green Genesis, 1990, Collection of
Utah State University, Gift of June Harwood
Charitable Trust
African Series

Trapeze, March, 1992
Deere, 1992
Canyon Series

Untitled, 1994
Untitled, 1994
[no series names were given to paintings done during the last decade of Harwood's working life]

Untitled, 1998

Brocade, March, 2006

Pinochle, 2008

Hopscotch, 2009. Collection of Pomona College, Gift of June Harwood Charitable Trust

Untitled, c 2010
All photographs by Larry Lytle unless otherwise noted: Photograph of Harwood on Homepage is by Gerry Kim. Photograph on Biography page is by Douglas Rosa. Photograph of Untitled, 1964, courtesy of Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA) / Susan Einstein. All images of June Harwood and artworks by June Harwood are copyrighted, June Harwood Charitable Trust, 2012.